About Us

The concept charter for SIG TOTEM was defined by a core member team consisting of:

  • Erik van den Tillaart from TNO
  • Huib Hupkens from H2Consultancy
  • Jan Benders from HAN Automotive Research
  • Jacob Eelkema from Altramotive
  • Rick Gijsberts from GOcontroll

We are part of a larger community that wants to empower companies, researchers and students by sharing knowledge and experience in monitoring and control. With SIG TOTEM we want attract a larger group of interested professionals that believe in this empowerment. We aim for a rich online portal with proven practices, (open source) tools, experience reports, benchmarks, etc. This portal should help end users to select the proper tooling and methodology to quickly develop robust solutions.

Interested? Please notify us and help us creating proper focus by filling in our survey!