
In a recent ACE workshop, the concept charter of SIG TOTEM was discussed. This concept charter proposes the following:

Mission: SIG TOTEM aims to present a rich, low-cost and practically usable set of tools and techniques for automotive monitoring and control, supporting the answering of contemporary R&D questions and triggering new developments

Focus: Automotive monitoring and control . Topics include:
In-vehicle control, cooperative control, remote monitoring (&diagnostics, &management – individual+fleet), predictive maintenance

Goals & objectives:
1. Compose a relevant set of widely applicable tools and techniques and present this to end users via an online portal. This set may consist of open(-source) or closed building blocks as well as proven practices for developing monitoring and control solutions. The already available HANcoder/HANtune/SIMarchitect tools will be part of this set.
2. Trigger new developments (tools, technology, granted research projects,…)

Membership: Free, based on intrinsic motivation and open to dynamics in availability. Membership levels: ‘Executing’, Attending’ and ‘Informed only’

Organization and communication: Organization by ACE, communication via a website containing e.g. a wiki presenting the set of tools and techniques. Quarterly TOTEM meetings hosted by SIG members