
SIG TOTEM is a Special Interest Group under the umbrella of ACE, the Dutch Automotive Centre of Expertise (www.acemobility.nl). SIG TOTEM is an initiative of HAN Automotive Research (www.hanautomotive.nl)

TOTEM means: Tools & Technology for Monitoring and Control

In SIG TOTEM, a number of parties (SMEs, larger companies, knowledge institutions) intent to cooperate on creating a knowledge base as well as providing a set of – preferably open(-source) – tools for monitoring and control system for automotive applications.


Over the last years, a growing community of >30 partners was driving the development of model based development tools for solutions in automotive control as well as monitoring. These tools can be found at www.openMBD.com. In the community, the desire exists to continue this development via a Special Interest Group, with a market relevant focus and priorities to contemporary themes, such as remote monitoring and predictive maintenance.

About Us

The concept charter for SIG TOTEM was defined by a core member team consisting of:

  • Erik van den Tillaart from TNO
  • Huib Hupkens from H2Consultancy
  • Jan Benders from HAN Automotive Research
  • Jacob Eelkema from Altramotive
  • Rick Gijsberts from GOcontroll

We are part of a larger community that wants to empower companies, researchers and students by sharing knowledge and experience in monitoring and control. With SIG TOTEM we want attract a larger group of interested professionals that believe in this empowerment. We aim for a rich online portal with proven practices, (open source) tools, experience reports, benchmarks, etc. This portal should help end users to select the proper tooling and methodology to quickly develop robust solutions.

Interested? Please notify us and help us creating proper focus by filling in our survey!


In a recent ACE workshop, the concept charter of SIG TOTEM was discussed. This concept charter proposes the following:

Mission: SIG TOTEM aims to present a rich, low-cost and practically usable set of tools and techniques for automotive monitoring and control, supporting the answering of contemporary R&D questions and triggering new developments

Focus: Automotive monitoring and control . Topics include:
In-vehicle control, cooperative control, remote monitoring (&diagnostics, &management – individual+fleet), predictive maintenance

Goals & objectives:
1. Compose a relevant set of widely applicable tools and techniques and present this to end users via an online portal. This set may consist of open(-source) or closed building blocks as well as proven practices for developing monitoring and control solutions. The already available HANcoder/HANtune/SIMarchitect tools will be part of this set.
2. Trigger new developments (tools, technology, granted research projects,…)

Membership: Free, based on intrinsic motivation and open to dynamics in availability. Membership levels: ‘Executing’, Attending’ and ‘Informed only’

Organization and communication: Organization by ACE, communication via a website containing e.g. a wiki presenting the set of tools and techniques. Quarterly TOTEM meetings hosted by SIG members


We would like to get your input in defining the right focus and creating an effective SIG. It would be great of you would fill-out our survey here.